Monday, December 9, 2013

The Joy of Being Chosen

Sometimes I miss things when I am reading my Bible.  I can’t absorb it all in one shot.  It’s an inherent human trait.  We overload, and only a few of the things we deem most important actually stick in our minds.  I think it’s that way with the story of Christ’s birth.  We read Luke 2 and think the story starts and stops there. We remember the virgin mother, the lack of vacancy, the stable, the manger, the star, the angels, and the shepherds. What we miss is the fantastic example of joyous faith shown by Mary in Luke 1.

            In a surreal experience, Mary converses with the angel Gabriel who tells her that she is favored by God and chosen to be the mother of the Christ child.  Her child will “save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).  It’s an amazing honor.  It’s a terrifying thought. She’s unmarried.  A pregnancy will make her a social outcast.  Yet, after what appears to be a very small amount of persuasive speaking by Gabriel, Mary says, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” (Luke 1:38 KJV)  And just like that, she throws her fears, her concerns, her hesitations on the Father and steps out into the great safety net of God.

            What fearless faith.  What selfless sacrifice.  What intense bravery.  She had no idea whether or not Joseph would marry her.  She couldn’t possibly comprehend what parenting the Christ child would entail.  There were no indications of how this would all play out.  She had only this assurance—God loved her, had found favor in her, had asked her to house his Son, and she had agreed. 

            This is where Mary and I meet up.  My life is full of uncertainty.  Sometimes I am overcome by fears, concerns, and problems. I am often overwhelmed.  I don’t have all the answers.  I have no idea how it’s all going to play out.  But I do know this—God loves me, he has found favor in me, he has asked me to carry his Son in my heart and exhibit him in my life, and I have agreed.  And in spite of all the things that attempt to chase me down and overcome my faith, I pray that I will step out into that same great safety net with Mary.  I pray that in the middle of the questions I will respond with her when she said, “…My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.” (Luke 1:46-47 KJV)  God has chosen to dwell in me and that alone is cause for celebration. 

            It’s not just Mary and I who are so infinitely blessed to be chosen by God as his dwelling place.  Much like the story of his birth, he knocks on the door of every heart to inquire if there is a vacancy.  He knocks and offers to fill the void in our lives.  Upon admittance, he becomes the greatest friend, the wisest confidant, the strongest safe house.  Under our lives he places the great safety net of his grace and even if the storms rage, we know that he is greater than all and no one has the power to pluck us out of his hand. (John 10:29)

            So this Christmas, remember these facts—God loves you, he favors you, he wants you to allow him to dwell in your heart and exhibit him in your life.  It’s a more than fair trade, so I hope you accept.  I hope that you will fearlessly step out in faith to allow God to lead your life.  And when the circumstances are less than desirable, the outcome looks incredibly bleak, the storm seems impossible to calm, may you remember that, “…with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37 KJV) and may you find yourself still faithfully stating with Mary, “My soul doth magnify the Lord…” (Luke 1:46)

The great God of the universe has chosen you.  This alone is cause for great celebration!

Merry Christmas!


  1. My dear sister in Christ - once again God has used you to prick my heart of what Christmas is all about --- the indwelling of our All Mighty God who wants to live within and throughout us. He must be so sad when He's rejected by His people whom He loved so much that He gave His only Son to be the chosen sinless virgin child and the one to die for us --- His LOVE is beyond what my brain can conceive, receive and perceive but thanks to His willing and favored servant such as Naomi, I'm once again reminded - just rest in the bosom of our Almighty God and just put ALL of my trust in Him even when I don't understand. Thank you for sharing your heart

    1. How blessed are we. How humble I feel that God would want to live in me! God bless you in this holiday season!
