Monday, June 1, 2015

Whispering Hope

     My grandfather was a wonderful man.  He loved God and he loved us.  We all knew it.  We didn't have to ask. He left me wonderful memories when he went to Heaven.  One of my favorites is how he would ask me to play the old song, "Whispering Hope," for him. I remember him crowding onto the piano bench beside me and singing along in his lovely, raspy voice.  He probably never realized he taught me that song.  Or that he taught me some other things as well.

     The greatest lesson Grandpa didn't know he was teaching me was in those three words I so often heard him whisper, "Jesus, help us." It didn't seem to matter where he was or what was happening.  In the dining room as he sat down to look at the mail, the living room as he lowered himself into his easy chair, in a thoughtful moment when nothing else was being said...always, "Jesus, help us."  As a child I thought it was odd.  It made me just a bit uncomfortable.  I couldn't figure it out.  What was he so concerned about?  Why did he keep whispering those words?  Belatedly, I understood.  Grandpa was whispering hope.

     Hope that his children would keep the faith--Jesus, help us.

     Hope that his grandchildren would hunger and thirst after righteousness--Jesus, help us.

     Hope that the country he fought to preserve would somehow find its way back to God--Jesus, help us.
     Hope, no matter the circumstances, in the only person who would never let him down--Jesus, help us.

     Admittedly, I find myself whispering those same words throughout the day.  "Jesus, help us."  Raising kids is no picnic.  Keeping things balanced is no cake walk.  Doing as much as I can for as many as I can is pretty much impossible.  And I haven't even started to think about the things that trouble me concerning society, the current social brand of Christianity, or the other pressing issues of our day.  Sometimes, in the midst of it all, I can only whisper, "Jesus, help us."

      I whisper these words because I lack strength. (Psalm 31:24) Because He's been there in the darkest hours of my soul. (Psalm 42:5)  Because I've proven Him true over and over again. (Psalms 71:5, 7b) Because he is looking out for me. (Psalm 33:18) And because, in all the turmoil of life, true happiness lies in help from his hand and hope in his promises. (Psalm 146:5)

     So today I'm whispering hope.  Hope to you for your circumstances, your cares, your concerns.  Hope in the God who refuses to write you off (Isaiah 42:16), who loves you more than himself (John 3:16), and who will rush to your aid the moment you whisper those words of hope, "Jesus, help us". (Jeremiah 33:3)

     I will never forget my Grandfather for the life he lived, the love he gave and the lesson he taught through a favored song and a whispered prayer.  And I will never forget my Heavenly Father for the life he lived, the love he bestows every day and the lessons he teaches every time my burgeoning hope dares whisper, "Jesus, help us."

     Be Blessed.