Thursday, May 15, 2014

Closets of the Heart

           What’s in your heart?  I mean, what’s really in your heart?  You know, back behind all the pretty, appropriate stuff you want people to see.  Way in the back, where you’ve got the door with three locks firmly closed and bolted.  What’s in there? Why is it closed up?  What are you hiding? Do you even remember? When was the last time you looked in there?  Most importantly, have you ever let Jesus look in there?

            As Elihu, one of Job’s supposed friends, is waxing eloquent in an attempt to prove that Job has erred against God, he makes a statement that is imperative for every unopened closet of the heart. Elihu says, “…it is meet to be said unto God…that which I see not teach thou me: if I have done iniquity, I will do it no more.” (Job 34:31-32 KJV) The concept brought me up short.  Do we truly not know our own hearts?  Turns out the answer is “no.”  We hide things from ourselves, fail to call ourselves on our own sins, and excuse uncontrolled anger and hate under the guise that if we direct it at something God hates then it’s okay.  We whip out a measuring stick and use it on everyone except ourselves, consistently pretending to be a never-ending fount of virtue even if our words and actions don't live up to itWell, I say enough with the hiding and skulking around. You can’t sneak your way into Heaven. It’s time to let God show us what he sees in our hearts.  And time to let him clean it out. 

            The fact is, heart closets collect things. Past hurts. Injustices, both real and imagined. Frustrations, embarrassments, disagreements, upsets. We stash them all in the closet and they become a mosh pit of nastiness.  They stew and fester becoming enormous vats of anger, hurt, bitterness, jealousy and hate.  We hang on to them so long that it becomes easier to just close and bolt the door and hope no one notices rather than haul them out and deal with them. Or perhaps we think we have dealt with them because they seem to be under control. But while they may stay dormant for a period of time, they will eventually erupt into our words, actions, and attitudes.  For some reason, even then, we tend to push them back in and add another lock to the door.  I don’t know why.  Really, who wants to hang on to that mess?  And who truly believes they can hide it from God?

            You can’t. He sees everything. (Proverbs 15:3) You can’t hide it from those around you either.  It seeps out. In Matthew 12:34, Jesus says that our mouths spew out what our hearts are hiding.  If we speak hate, then hate inhabits our hearts.  If we speak love, then love dwells within.  And it’s not just in what we say either.  It’s in how we act.  Are you showing hate or love to others?  Are you shunning or welcoming the lost?  Do remember the words of Matthew 7:20-21 that say your actions will tell whether or not you are truly of God and that not everyone who says “Lord, Lord” will make it to Heaven? If Jesus doesn’t saturate your life, your words, and your actions then perhaps you need to check into where he’s really living.

 See, Jesus wants your whole heart.  He won’t accept less. And since Galatians 5:22-23 tells us that the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, meekness, goodness, faith and temperance, it’s pretty easy to determine what should be found in our hearts and evident in our lives. Satan wants your whole heart too, but he’s willing to take any corner he can get because he just needs a space to get things brewing. And that’s how all those other things, like envy, strife, wrath, and hatred get started. (Galatians 5:19-21) Be aware, the two sides can’t coexist. They won’t.  Either you love or you hate. You must choose...God or Satan. (Matthew 6:24)  You can’t have one residing in the living room and one hiding out in the closet.  It just won’t work.

 So, I ask you again, what’s in your heart?  Are you willing to check it out?  Can you take Jesus in every crevice, corner, and closet? Does the light and love of Jesus fill your heart? Or are you busy installing lock number three? If you are, don't waste your time. Ecclesiastes 12:14 says God will reveal and judge every secret thing, so you might as well open that closet and let God clean it out today.  You’ll be nothing but better for the cleansing.