Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Worthy Obsession

It is amazing how obsessed we are with being obsessed with things. How often we obsess over our homes, dietary habits, workout routines, appearances, and children. And though these are not unworthy causes, they are hardly worthy of the frantic energy we throw into keeping them alive?  Are we expending more energy to the care and feeding of our earthly obsessions than we are in storing up heavenly treasures? 

Somewhere in the frenetic pace of our lives we have forgotten the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:19-21, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth…but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (KJV)  No interpretation necessary. So I have to stop and ask myself where my treasure is.  Is it in good health, social status, and my shoe closet?  Or is it hidden with Christ in God?

Remember the story of the rich young ruler (Mark 10:17-22) who just wasn’t able to let go of his obsession with possessions in order to follow Jesus.  He seemed so desperate to inherit eternal life.   He came to Jesus searching to ensure he would gain it. He was doing so much right.  But when he was told to abandon the earthly treasures and start storing up heavenly ones by giving the earthly ones to the poor, he couldn’t do it.  He walked away.

I find that story astonishing. You likely do too. How could anyone just walk away from eternal life?  Then I catch myself thinking more about the 300th pair of shoes I want instead of the kids that don’t have shoes at all…and I realize that it’s not that hard to get sidetracked with possessions.  In truth, I don’t need the new shoes, the brand name foods, the gym membership, or new throw pillows.  My job is to adequately care for my family and actively help the needy.  It’s as simple as that.  As simple as being obsessed with the things Jesus is. 

So I’m busy growing again.  Learning to be obsessed with the things Jesus was--lost souls, loving my neighbor, portraying Christ, being concerned with the needy.  It’s not easy. I don’t come by it naturally.  Every day I have to rein myself in and make myself prioritize properly.  In that light, I pray that I will be overtaken by Jesus from the inside out.  I pray that his love will flow through me and affect those around me for him. I pray that I will be obsessed with making a difference for Jesus.  Most of all, I pray that I will become possessed by God’s obsessions.

Are you obsessed with possessions or does Jesus possess you to the point that his obsessions are yours?